Government - Strategic UK CO2 Storage Appraisal Project

This major 12 month project was funded with £2.5m from DECC. It progressed the appraisal of five selected storage sites towards readiness for Final Investment Decisions, de-risking these stores for potential future storage developers.
This project identified 20 specific CO2 storage sites (from a potential 579 sites) which together represent the tip of a very large strategic national CO2 storage resource potential, estimated to be around 78GT (78,000 million tonnes). The top 15% of this potential storage capacity would last the UK around 100 years.
Five of these sites were then selected for further detailed analysis given their potential contribution to mobilise commercial-scale carbon, capture and storage (CCS) projects for power and industrial use in the UK. Outline storage development plans and budgets were prepared for each.
Key tasks included:
- Data collection, screening and understanding (579 fields).
- Initial analysis of preferred sites (20 fields) detailed static and dynamic subsurface and wells modelling (5 fields).
- Identified storage development scenarios including assessment of capacity, injectivity, containment and cost.
- Generated injection profiles and monitor 1000 year plume migration.
- Prepared detailed technical reports and presentations including FDP and non-technical summary report.
- Presented results at public meeting in London.
- Provided intensive project management and incorporate stakeholder peer review.
This project ‘primed the pump’ for future commercial CCS developments, providing technical insight into the potential CO2 capacity of UKCS storage sites, as well as providing conceptual designs and risk assessments.
For more information please contact our experts.